Monday, January 20, 2014

D-Men: Origins

Greetings beloved readers,

You will be happy to know that you now number above 5 - and at least two of those have come to this blog without me telling them to...
This blog will be all about me and my thoughts on Disney. As I realise that this may not be the most interesting subject matter for many, I'll try to make it as readable as possible by inserting anecdotes and potentially irrelevant pictures wherever I deem necessary.

But anyway, I am writing this blog as a compulsory aspect of a Writing 101 course I am taking. Called 'Decoding Disney', it is about the Disney Corporation and the reality behind the seemingly family- and society-friendly facade it has cultivated over the past century or so. Most of these posts will be discussing this topic or using it to express my opinions on things. Usually I am not too much of a fan of blogs, mainly because most of the blogs I have ever read were simply uninteresting people discussing their uninteresting thoughts. Therefore my aim with this blog is to mix things up: the only censor/editor this blog will go through is one of my mates who lives down the hall from me... But most of the time I won't listen to his thoughts - so prepare yourself....

A bit about me: I am an opinionated Australian fairly infamous in my dorm for writing unnecessarily verbose pieces, such as apology letters (more about this later) and complaints about Duke University, particularly the dining system. As I write this I am rocking four stars on GTA:V and wondering what I can eat at 4:00pm on a Monday afternoon. Subsequent blogs will generally follow this outline.

The first irrelevant picture of the series:
By the way, Grumpy Cat is awesome - prepare yourself for more... 
They might actually mention Disney next time - fingers crossed...

See you next time!

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