This post is going to be a bit different...
The Lion King is awesome.
It is also really racist apparently.
Let's have a look why according to Robert Gooding-Williams and his article 'Disney in Africa and the inner city: On race and space in The Lion King'.
Bam! It's pride rock:
Awesome, isn't it???
That's because the inferior hyenas aren't there polluting the area.
Instead, they're hanging out at...
SWISH! The Elephant Graveyard:
Sounds a bit like segregation, doesn't it??? Pride Rock is a pretty sick place as long as the 'minority' hyenas (voiced by Whoopi Goldberg and Cheech Marin - both members of minorities...) stay away. When they do leave their ghetto of a graveyard and intrude on high society, this happens:
It's almost like Disney's saying that classes should be separated for the good of the superior - oh wait, they are...
Add to this the pathetic fallacy of the weather turning bad when the hyenas take over and Disney is seeming to say that this order of society is divinely ordained! Nice...
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