Thursday, April 24, 2014

I'm not done with the Lion King yet...

About 5 minutes ago I posted that the Lion King is racist.
I forgot to mention some of my favourite parts of my argument.

You know this guy???

Pretty much everything he does is racist...
Rafiki is meant to portray the traditional African tribal shaman, the wise man and guide to the tribe's future. Instead of presenting the deep spiritual importance of this role, Disney uses the character of Rafiki for comedic relief, just like Genie satirised Islam in Aladdin (shameless essay plug).

Rafiki being Insane

Although there are a number of other characters which are blatantly racist, Rafiki is probably the top of the list. His general antics and particularly his actions in 'guiding' his pride as their shaman are shown to be comedic rather than spiritual. I'm not saying I'm complaining, because Rafiki is funny as all hell, but Disney is definitely approaching a line...

Here's another video:

And another:

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