Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Kid Down the Hall: "Why would you write about Pocahontas? It's just going to be boring and will make you look like an idiot"

My carefactor about ^ = 0

 Disney's Pocahontas is sick - it's like a messed up cross of Lolita, The Last of the Mohicans and The Aeneid - with Mel Gibson voice acting and tinny music added for effect (and it still mangages to be worse - according to Rotten Tomatoes - than Jackass 3.5). Sounds like a recipe for killing history in one blow to me...

Let's get intimate with the facts: 
  • Pocahontas was 10-14 at the 'time of filming' or period the action takes place - here she is in the film:
well she grew up bloody fast...
  • Pocahontas' ending is an absolute joke - historically, the character ended up being all that the movie does not show - assimilated into British society, baptised and married at age 14 or so... None of this Dido and Aeneas sunset ending garbage (without Pocahontas burning herself to death, although that would have obviously made the movie SO much cooler:
This shot just oozes stereotype...

Compare it to this: (FYI this is Dido consecutively stabbing herself with Aeneas' sword and burning herself on her own funeral pyre as Aeneas sails into the distance... There are also gods and stuff coming from the sky - Now THAT's intense:

  • Grandmother Willow is the most ill-conceived character ever - a talking tree. Way to ruin your movie, Disney people... The only cool talking trees are the ents from Lord of the Rings, particularly Treebeard. Quick Treebeard quote: "I am on nobody's side, because nobody is on my side..." now that's profound. Grandmother Willow in the other hand has this bit of wisdom to offer: "Oh, a dream! Let's hear all about it!"= not profound.
Here's grandmother willow - it's a face on a tree:

Here's an ent throwing a rock and wrecking Isengard - that's cool:

  • The film left out the guy that should have been the main character or at least one of the major ones... This is John Rolfe:

He's the one that actually ended up marrying Pocahontas, yet he only shows up in Pocahontas II. John Smith's character was actually a redundant intruder.
Fun fact: Pocahontas II only got 1.5 stars on rotten tomatoes - Transformers 3 received 2 stars - wow...

Let's call it a day there.

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